What Types of Plagiarism Exist?

If you are a college student, need to complete a course work or even a dissertation, you should know what the consequences of using someone else’s content are. It may be very tempting to open a book or a website and simply copy any part or the whole paper.
Such actions are called plagiarism and can be considered a criminal offence. The author will be able to sue you and you will have to pay a fine or even be sent to jail. As you see, staying away from plagiarism is crucial for your safety. Just read the article and learn about different types of plagiarism.
Plagiarism definition
In simple words plagiarism can be called stealing works of other people. For you it may be not important but it is truly unfair and disrespectful towards other authors. Only imagine, a person spends days or weeks conducting a research, analyzing sources and writing a paper. Months are spent to collect necessary information, while you will only need five minutes to download the work and put your name under it.
However, there are situations, when you may violate copyright unintentionally. That is when you need to know what are the different types of plagiarism in order to remain on a safe side.
What are the types of plagiarism?
There are four main plagiarism types, which you may face, when working on your assignment. They include:
- Direct. Direct plagiarism means that a person copies a part of a paper or a book without any changes, and doesn’t use quotations or proper citing;
- Self. This happens, when a person submits previous works or copies any of its parts. This means that you plagiarize your own assignment and can also be considered a cheating. Even if you are submitting a high school essay, while you are already in college!
- Accidental. It happens, when you neglect citing all the sources properly. This means that you should learn how to cite sources depending on the chosen formatting style. Your professor or university has specific recommendations, so you should follow all the guidelines, when working on your essay. Luckily, there are multiple online tools and generators, which will help you to conduct a proper citing and prevent from committing a crime.
- Mosaic. It is an attempt of the student to show that the paper is unique, while in fact it is simply copying phrases and words without changing general structure.
As you see, some of the types strongly violate laws, while others can be considered a simple mistake. Even if you are not fined or suspended, you will surely have to rewrite your paper anew.
Choose a professional assistant right now!
It is not surprising that students are looking for a way to simplify their curriculum. Every day they face tens of assignments, most of which are too difficult to handle.
While having to prepare for an essay, you may need to get ready for a final exam or to write a scholarship essay. That is why it may be so tempting to copy someone’s work and save months of work!
However, plagiarism is never tolerated and your final grades will greatly suffer if someone finds out your piece is not original. Modern tutors have access to online plagiarism checkers, so they are able to detect whether your paper is unique.
You should remember that there are different forms of plagiarism and you may make a mistake even if you don’t want to! That is why to be on a safe side, you can always turn to our experts. We will provide you with assignment assistance and complete any task in a blink of an eye.
We guarantee only original content and are able to provide you with a plagiarism report if necessary. You will get a unique paper without any mistakes and will be able to concentrate on more pleasant things.
Any time you need help, our professional writers, editors and proofreaders are there to cover your back. You won’t have to worry that any part of the assignment will be plagiarized or copied. In addition, we strictly follow all of the formatting guidelines, so there is no need to worry that some of the citing features will be missed out.
With us you will always deliver outstanding papers without a fear that it has any similarities with millions of other papers online. Make an order right now and let us take care of everything else!