This article provides a list of tips for those who want to improve their texts. All the tips have been tested in practice and are suitable for everyday use. The author of these tips, the writer Melisa Marzett confirmed her expert level by preparing a large number of articles on a variety of topics. Now she leads a blog for beginner writers. Many Melisa subscribers have already improved the quality of their texts. Only a brilliant writer does not need to work on his or her texts. Everyone else should constantly improve their level. How to do it? Read on.
The more you read, the better you write. This is a direct addiction, as reading and writing are the same brain areas. It is equally useful to read both the literature classics and contemporary writers.
Your motto should be “not a day without a line”. Improving the quality of the written text is achieved through constant training.
Read tips from leading publishers on how to improve your style. I know of several major publications where regular columns are devoted to this topic.
You should have your own drink to improve your productivity. I have this coffee, you could have tea, orange juice or something.
Keep an eye on your competitors at all times. You can always borrow good moves from them, further improving them with your experience.
Eat more fruit, pay attention to how your body eats. If your body does not get the right vitamins, your brain also refuses to work.
Change the rhythm of the narrative so that short sentences are replaced by long ones. It’s better to split a long sentence into two or at least use commas than semicolons.
One of the most important parts in the narrative of the title. Annotation is also very important. If your text style allows, make the title provocative.
Be prepared for what readers will point out unexpected errors. Do not be afraid to criticize yourself, and in this case, every new text written will be better.
At the same time, do not worry too much about what readers will say. For you, the most important opinion of friends and relatives. But it is no coincidence that a person from the network may just be writing all day long negative comments. Or maybe your critic just had a bad day.
If you have something to say, say it straight. All those “in my opinion”, “I think I’ll say it,” look pathetic. You do not have to excuse yourself to the reader for having an opinion.
Pay attention to what the authors write in different styles and choose the styles you prefer. Try writing the same passage of text in the style of one or the other author. It will help you create your own style.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with sentence structure. Swap verbs and see what happens. If you already know grammar well, try to play with it.
Write about anything. The beginning and end of the story will be the most interesting parts. Often you can throw out the middle of the story, leaving only the beginning and end. In general, you don’t need to be wordy when writing a text. Shorten what you write, leaving only the best.
Do not offend your readers, you do not need to hurt them at all. In addition, excessive sharpness can scare readers. Besides, it’s not good for karma.
At the same time, write directly and honestly. A writer has a unique opportunity to tell people what they already know but hide from themselves. Someone will be mad at you for that, but most will be grateful. Honesty and straightforwardness to a writer are vital.
The details are especially important. It is thanks to the details that we are immersed in the narrative. If you’re talking about a farmer, show us how he takes care of the apple trees. If your hero is a train driver, put him in the workplace. If we ask five people to tell the same story, we get five different stories. If we want to hear five important news from five different people, that news will also be different.
Time will heal any wounds, including writing. Everybody knows how it feels when you write stupid and it feels like everyone hates you. In this case, it’s important not to give up and keep writing.
A good writer knows how to evoke people’s feelings. If people cry with nostalgia when they read your texts, you’re on the right track. In order to evoke emotion, write about the most important things – such as childhood, like love.
And do not forget to joke, because the joke is to the liking of almost all readers. They all get tired at work; they all have household chores. If your text will cheer them up, the goal is already achieved in many ways. And remember that even the most serious things can be told easily and easily.
Feel free to get help from other people. No one expects you to be a superhero. Nor does anyone expect you to be perfect. We all keep trying to do our job well, that’s all. The past decade has been difficult for all Americans. Some are struggling with the economic crisis, and some are struggling with the consequences of divorce. Show your text that you’re one of the Americans, one of these ordinary people.
Take a risk, don’t be afraid to do something unexpected and believe in yourself. To do that, visit a place where no one has been, write about something that no one has ever written about. And let it make the critics hate you, that’s all right.
The last lines of the story should sum up.
Gather ideas that will be useful for stories, maybe more. Put them in your notebook, in your notebook, in your phone memory. It should become your daily habit.
Write it the way you talk. Work in your own style, without adjusting to anyone. Each of us sees the world in a different way, each of us has his own author’s style. The most important thing is to let it open up through creativity.