How to Write a Narrative Essay Topics? We Have an Answer!

Essay writing can become quite an interesting task if you know what to write about and how to follow all the requirements of a particular essay type. When it comes to narrative essays, they are the most common ones and every student has to complete it multiple times during high school or college.
However, it still requires much attention and devotion, so you shouldn’t neglect the process, thinking that you already know everything about this sort of assignment.
Everything starts with choosing numerous narrative essay topics. Not paying attention to such important step may play a bad joke with you and you will end up with a boring essay and a low grade.
Luckily, this assignment gives students a chance to show their personality and passion to a particular subject, which makes a narrative essay one of the most engaging essay types.
Here are the tips, you may use along the way:
- Remain sincere and clear. Even if you choose a complex topic to discuss, there is no need to use difficult sentences, complicated words and phrases. You should be clear from the beginning, knowing what you want to render and what effect to have on the audience. Try to avoid repetitions and too long sentences;
- If possible, convey your story, using the first person and present tense;
- Proper word selection. Be very attentive to the vocabulary you choose for your essay, because words have a crucial role in a narrative essay. In addition, try to avoid passive voice;
- Revise. After completing the assignment, always check it. Make sure your essay is free from mistakes, typos and any other imperfections. If editing is not your strongest side, you can download a literacy narrative essay example to see how it should look like or contact a professional writing company.
Choosing a topic
Everything starts with selecting an issue to write about. You won’t be able to create a powerful essay without a catchy topic to discuss.
That is why you must have enough time in advance in order to make a list of topics for narrative essay, narrowing it down to several options.
To simplify the process, we have made a list of the most interesting and catchy subjects for your essay. Just scan it carefully and pick the one, which suites you the most.
- Experience, which taught you real values;
- Experience, which helped you to become brave;
- Experience, which changed your life completely;
- Experience, which made you embarrassed;
- Your favorite kind of sports;
- Your favorite music style and why;
- The first time you participated in a high school event;
- The most difficult decision you have ever made;
- Do you have best friends? Can you share everything with them?
- Do you often act rebellious?
- What makes you emotional every time?
- What would you change at school if you were its director?
- What superpower you would want to possess?
- The best place for a vacation;
- A visit to a park you remember the most;
- Where would you go if traveling was absolutely free?
- Have you ever been to a hostel?
- Do you remember the time you got your first vehicle?
- The most memorable day of your life;
- A lesson, which changed your personality;
- Late night experience, which scared you;
- Beginning of a relationship: how does that feel?
- Your favorite holiday;
- What family traditions do you have?
- Is there someone, who has changed your life completely?
- How do you usually choose narrative topics and why?
- Your first party with friends;
- An argument you wish have never happened;
- An incident, which made you feel happy;
- An event, which made you sad;
- Who inspires you the most?
- Things you love about your country;
- Have you inspired someone?
- Did you have to face a natural disaster?
- The worst job interview you have ever had;
- Things you have learned from your parents;
- Your first day at school or college;
- Your graduation day. How did it feel?
- Is it difficult for you to leave the comfort zone?
- The most funny situation you have ever been in;
- What do you think about bullying in schools;
- Are you well-organized?
- Are you a reserved or an impulsive person?
- History of your family;
- Is internet a positive experience?
- What have you learned from your teachers?
- What do you usually do on weekends?
Need help with writing a narrative essay?
We know that student life is filled with lots of tasks, multiple events and parties. That is why very often it is impossible to keep up with all of them.
Luckily, Essaypirates are always there to help you. We are a team of professional writers, proofreaders and editors, who will not only help you to choose good narrative essay topics but also to write the paper from the first line to the last one.